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Grace Craig

Spending my summer with the kids at the Centers in China made me realize that my small contribution can make a big difference. I was touched to see how much joy I could bring to their lives. This experience through Bring Me Sunshine made me think about my life having purpose beyond my own little existence in California. Today, I have a much more global perspective. After this trip I am constantly thinking about what is happening throughout our world.

Amanda Li

Volunteering with Bring Me Sunshine taught me that attitude is crucial. I learned that my attitude sets the mood for everything I do. Creating a warm and loving environment was easy because the kids at the orphanages are always curious and excited, no matter what activity was planned. Now I am more conscious of how I face life’s ups and downs, and try to maintain a positive attitude.

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Gracie Dean

After spending two summers with Bring Me Sunshine, I have a greater understanding of my privilege and what it means to give. Being in China and working with the children of completely different socioeconomic standings gave me a greater perspective. Above all, the family bond we create in China among the staff, as well as the relationships we make and maintain with the kids, make the experience absolutely unforgettable.

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